Why is The Inspectors Group the best choice when
choosing a home inspector?
The Inspectors Group is a state licensed Home Inspection Entity serving northern Illinois and city of Chicago locations. Our only business is inspecting homes and buildings. We are not a franchise, and are not affiliated with or solicit business from any real estate agents, builders or lenders. We work strictly for our clients, to make sure that they are getting an unbiased, accurate inspection of the property without worrying about possible conflicts of interests. We are honest, independent inspectors who specialize in one thing, Home Inspections.
Buying a home is probably going to be the most expensive purchase you will ever make. For the cost of several hundred dollars, a professional home inspection can reduce a great deal of the risk as well as giving you valuable information about the home.
Please call or text Robert Jensen for additional information or to schedule a home inspection at (847)-456-8438
or email at: rjensen60@comcast.com